Sunday, July 02, 2006
Well after 4 days of not having my clothes and calling
2-3x a day and all there bullshit about not knowing were bags were, they said they didn't even know what city they were in. I decide to realy do something, so after getting out of bed and have some lunch I take the Metro out to the airport. I'm doing pretty good when I realize that my train has split off in the wrong direction. I was on the correct train, if you were wondering, but the line that is like a sideways X, so I was on the right line but it just split off in the wrong direction. Thankfully I ran into this lady who happen to be metting someone at the airport so I just followed her to the right part of the line. I get to the airport and relize that the baggage service is on the other side of the glass wall. I find an Air France help desk and ask how I can get on the other side? she wrote out a pass to go through the exit the wrong way. I know I probably sound realy stupid, or just silly, but I felt all high and mighty showing my pass and going the opposite way through a secured area. I get to the baggage service and only wait a a short while since i'm the second in line. Well to my delightful suprise, but at the same time utter disgust. Even though I was extremely happy that they had found my bags, I was still pissed off that Air France "couldn't find my bags" until I showed up in person. But whatever, I got my bags and I sent Air France a pretty nasty letter. I felt kind of bad writting such a nasty and profanity letter, but it was so unexceptable loosing my bags and not trying to helping me (like money for couple clothes, free upgrade, free ticket, or something than just saying their sorry with words. I took a taxi home, my bags a quite heavy so not only would I not want to carry them all around and also it would fit on the metro cars with all the other people on it. I get back to my apartment and just hang out sleeping, reading, watching T.V., etc... I'm so excited about tomorrow, my first day at Le école Ritz Escoffier.