So I wake up today, I wouldn't say full of energy, but still up and awake. While getting dressed I was thinking what class was going to be like. One thing that I am glad about is that I went to the Ritz on friday so I new were I was going when I arrived moday. So here's the thing they want me to come at 8:15am and go into one of the parlors where the orintation is then I will leave and come back for class at 2pm. Well that didn't realy go as planned. After the orintation they took us down into "the cave." It's not that it's scary or anything, just 3 floors below the ground. Here we got our uniforms and then went into the dressing room and tried them on, well I was just starting to when I relized nobody else was changing back into their normal clothes. So I left my uniform on and went with everybody into the kitchen were we started class. Well because of all this I decided that I guess I was in the morning group now instead. To day was going to be the busiest day of the whole week, I know this because they have it on a nice little diagram in the back of our cookbook. Well nothing realy exciting happened in class today, except when we were making all the stuff we would get a little history behind each item. I can't remember everything to write it down here but I will just say, it also helps that I love history, that it was very fasinating. Well by the time we were cleaning up the tabletops, equipment, etc... we had made the first part of Starter dough, brioche dough, chocolate ganache, puff pastry, chocolate pastry cream, orange pastry cream, and Lemon Week-end cake, which looks and tastes like a lemon poppy seed cake, but with out the poppies. After talking with the chef, and I will say very interestingly too because I was speaking my poor french and he was speaking his poor english, found out that to get my diploma, as in one that I could get credit for from school I would have to take 6weeks, and not the 2 weeks that I had originally had planned for my trip. After getting that all straightened out with the ecole office I headed back home. Thankfully I got a seat on both my trains, and if anybody knows Paris and it's metro system they know that my trip is not the most quickest, I take Line 11 from where my apartment is in the 20th (Porte de Lilas) to République, then take Line 8 from République to Opéra. Even though I haven't done much, it's more than what i've done in one day in a while so I'm worn out and very tired, so I open the door to my apartment put my bags down and fall asleep. Of course since I went to sleep and about 3:30pm a woke up around 10ish and was quite hungary, so I ate and then went back to sleep were I didn't wake up till the morning.