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Another boring day in the land me.... well isn't that just the funniest thing you ever heard. I had my wake up call by my new best friend, one the cats i'm living with, (I don't know his name, so I call him Le Chat)
Well Le Chat and I had a lovely time having some breakfast with him. Well he might of, he was trying to steal the milk out of my cereal bowl. I had talked to one of my friends got this pass for the Musée d'Orsay, but she is going on holiday so she couldn't finish the pass, so she was going to give it to me. So we decided to meet at a metro stop near her house so she could give me the pass. We made the mistake of only choosing a metro stop, were forgot one little, well actually big, detail, we forgot to pick a place at the metro stop. Since it wasn't that late I decided to stop and watch a movie before going home. I stop in the 20th district and try to find the theatre from the directions that I got from the internet. I got up to street level and started walking in the correct direction. When I got the the place where the address. I start to wonder around tring the find this place, and all i'm thinking is W.T.F. where is this movie theatre, it should be all about everyone seeing and noticing the place not all hidden. Then I notice the street numbers don't match up, the evens are much more numerically higher than the odds, and since my address is an odd, so I realize I still have a couple more blocks to walk. Being totally not suprised, I end up finding it right were the directions said it would be. Well I go up and get my ticket for Marie Antionette. Well you know how in the States you can arrive 30min early, well you can't in France, it's only 10min early. So I left and started walking down the street to waste 30min. Well I walk to the end of the block, which is Place de Nation, and see a lot of people and a lot something going on, with street vendors and the whole 9 yards. I walk across the street to see what it is, can't........ so I squeeze my self through all the people till I get to the baracade. That is when I relize what all the comotion was about. It was a parade, not just any parade, it was some kind of parade celebrating (i'm guessing) black culture around the world. The reason why I say this is because 1. most of the people watching were black 2. all the groups were black and there banner had a country's name on it (one's with a large black population). After watching the parade, my favorite part being when each group did a little bit of their native dance, headed back to the movie theatre. I watched the movie, in English but with French subtitles, and headed back to the metro. While walking to the metro I though how appropriate is it of me to watch a movie about Marie Antionette in France. I also thought I would have never even known, let alone gone to, the parade if it weren't for other happenings. Though I think things are ment for a reason (unfortunatly) For example, the parade. I wouldn't have gone to the parade if the movie theatre didn't let people in until 10min before the movie, I would have never seen the movie in the 12th district if it weren't on the way home from the metro stop were I was supposed to get the museum passes, and I would have never even have gone to that metro stop had it not been the one that my friend wanted to meet at. Well I get home and eat, read, call some friends and family, and then sleeepppp..............
isn't he just a beast!?!?!