Not much happened to day. I was pretty much hung around the apartment all day, sleeping, playing with the cats, etc... Other than hanging out I took the metro into the 1éme to go to the Ritz Hotel. Since I had left my house before all the documents, recipes, etc... arrived I had to go pick them up before my class on Monday. I get to the metro stop, but when I get up to the surface I turn and walk down the street in the direction that I thought the hotel was in. Well I didn't go the right direction, but not in the wrong direction either; I basically went the wrong way around a square. After getting all my business done at the Ritz I took the metro home. While walking back to the apartment I remeber that I have to get some food for the fridge. So i'm in the grocery store getting some food and I had to go back in time to my 4 years of French class. I eventually get all the stuff I needed, I even found some grapefruit yogurt, that normally I would never go for that before, but I was in a wierd sort of mood, so I desided to give it a try, it was only a couple €'s so I desided to give it a try. Well I put my food away and went back to being lazy ( the best way to go).