Friday, November 17, 2006

DAY 143

This is starting to become a pattern , I got another big project today. Today I gave the Bengal Tigers cage a complete cleaning. Before getting started though I quickly did the tortoises and the iguanas. Then I started on on my project. This time the tigers were still in their sleeping quarters so I didn't have to worry about having to put them away, LOL. I first started by wraking up the stick and large stones. Then I mowed the lawn, and got to use that really cool grass cutter that is two plastic strings that you use to go around trees or rocks. I know it sounds pathetic that I enjoyed it, but I did. Then while all this was going on the pond was being drained. I then got to clean the pond, which actually wasn't that dirty, but you know that if you don't clean it every so often, even if it's clean that it will get really dirty. I enjoyed that because I did this with this other girl that comes to volunteer a couple times a month. So while we were cleaning the pool, ummm.......we sort of started a water fight. This other girl that I was working with today, we bonded instantly, for no other reason than she was also American. Now not trying to be byist or anything but I think the reason why we bonded so quickly, even though she's like 14yrs old, is because we understand eachother. Even though that English is one of the officiallanguages, it's like how British English is not the same as American English. Also there would be times that something would happen and I'd make a refereance to something or make a joke of some sort, most of the time people wouldsort of get it, or not get it at all. This was because I would be refering to things that are in the US and not here so they usually wouldn't get it. But she would get most of them, but I think only because she knew what I was refering to. Alsoit was interesting to talk to her, because the reason why she was here in South Africa was because her mother worked in the American Embassy and they were living here for 2yrs, well they had allready been here since last september, so only one more year. Then she will be moving back to Washington, DC, well that's what she hopes, since her mom could technically go to another country, but she wants to live in the US again. Anyways, now that I've completely gotten offtopic, we then put the hose on and filled up the pond again. but since this pond was MUCH BIGGER than the crocodileor duck pond, it takes a while to fill back up. So since the two tigers were dying to come out, sounding very patheticwith their whinning sounds we looked back up the gate and let them out, to which they were VERY GRATEFUL. WhenI say very grateful, as soon as we opened the door the flung out, like the had been launched, and started playing with the hose and while the hose is flining all around playing with eachother. Well if we weren't already wet, we would have been when we were watching them, because of that damn hose. We then went to lunch and had a very fun time playing with theTea Garden birds. After lunch we both went and skimmed the feathers off the duck pond. This probably took longer thanit should. The reason for this was that the pool skimmer thing was temperarily missing, so we had to use rakes, which are still affective, but do take longer. Then helped out with the feeding and went home and slept past dinne, so as when I woke up my dinner was sitting in the microwave so I could heat it up.