Wednesday, July 19, 2006

DAY 22

Nothing really different about today. Rode a different horse, Judge, because Eclipse had thrown a shoe or something so I couldn't ride him. They worked us hard today the first hour was in the ring doing jumper courses and different kinds of gymnastics (translation= gymnastics in the horsey world is bascially different jumps, obstacles, etc.. that work on different areas of the horse and rider, they can be some pretty crazy and wild stuff) then the other two hours was X-C. Not only were we doing the X-C for 2hrs but today was so freaking hot, it was in the high 40°c and low 50°c, what ever that is in °f, but it felt like high 80's low 90's in °f so it just made for another element in the X-C. My favorite part that day was when we were at the water jumps on the X-C course. Not only was it really refreshing getting a little bit wet from all the splashing, but some of the horses didn't want to leave and some of them took for ever to finaly get out of the water. Anyways to see a pic of Judge click here. When I got back into town I changed and went to the little grocery store to buy some snack food and some pears for the horses. When I got to the check-out, I was waiting in line and the cashier asked the lady in front of me if she wanted a bag. I thought to my myself, looking at all her food, yea I think she does want a bag. Unless she going to pop out 5 extra arms or something. Then I realized, after the woman said yes, that there is a bag charge in Ireland. It's only a couple of cents, but they still charge you for every bag. I then took my grocery's, with my bags, back to the hotel and vegged out till dinner.