Monday, July 17, 2006

DAY 20

I jump out of bed, literally, and start getting ready for riding. When I am all done and about to go down to get some breakfast, I check the time and realize that it's only 1/4 to 7 in the morning and my driver won't be here till 9:45am. After taking a couple hour nap I wake up and go get breakfast. I arrive at the barn ready to ride. So i'm sitting on my horse, Eclipse who is a German Warmblood, and our instructor asks what we've been doing, as far as riding, at home. Well I tell her what i've done but also mention that I haven't ridden in a year so I might not be as good as I normally am, but i'll try. Now I know she heard me because she acknowledged it and also asked me a question about it. Well if you were watching the lesson you would have never thought that she had. After warming up the horses on the flat (translation= warming up w/o jumping) she put up a 2'3" jump for our warm up fence. By the end of the of the hour we were doing 2'6" bounces, 6 in a row (non horsey people traslation= a bounce is what it sounds like, there is only enough room inbetween the jumps to land and then jump the next jump; up down up down, etc...) After the lesson, I thought we were done and were going to put our horses away, we started riding away from the barn and headed for the X-C course. By the time we get back to the barn i've jumped some crazy things. like a stone wall, a big ass tree trunk, a ditch, some picket fences, some drops (there was this one drop that was 4ft) even some water jumps. I get in the car, after taking care of my horse and putting him away, and head back to the hotel for lunch. Now normally I was supposed to go back after lunch and ride for another hour. After not riding in a year and then doing 2straight hours of intensive riding, my muscels were killing me. So I decided to take the afternoon off and just chill in my bathtub all afternoon in a ice bath and then a hot Epsom salt bath, all to help with my acking body.