I checked out of the hotel and took the taxi to the hostel that was actually in the city, yay! Before I go on I just have to say that this hostel was ABSOULUTELY GOR-GE-OUS. It was originally a Moor monestary, so everything looked like it was from the Middle East, there was even Arabic written on the walls, that is of course the tiles were in Arabic, not that sombody had written on the walls in a pen or something. I put my stuff in my room and then headed out for some touristing. Now that I write this I realize I think that I starting a trend here, Speed Traveling, I noticed more from, London, Monte-Carlo, Berlin, and now Barcelona, that I'm not only do I do all my touristing in one day, but I'm only in the freaking counrty for one day, and It's not like the countries are nieghbors either. Anyways, I spend the day looking at the monuments and what not, getting lost, well actually not lost since I dont have a point B to start with. So I don't think one can get lost if there not trying to get anywhere. Just a thought, lol.......... I also think that when you get "lost" that's when you find the "little jewels" of the place that you are in. By the time I had gotten back to the hostel that night I think I had managed to see the enitre city. Well not it's time to do the traveling version of Rosh Hashanah. I go into the "dinning room" area and take out my apples, honey, pita bread (which is the only round bread that I could find at the gorcery store) and sat sown. At the grocery store they had no wine or grape juice, so the closest thing that I could find at the hostel was Fanta. Even though Fanta is so not a juice I figured that it was probably more a juice than coke or sprite or the other coke products in the vending machine. Being extremely tired after my holiday-ness I went up to my room and wrote some postcards before going to bed.
~~~visit Barcelona ~~~
~~~El Poble-Espanyol ~~~
~~~The Sculpture Garden ~~~
~~~The Magic Fountain ~~~