Friday, September 22, 2006
DAY 87
Once again I wake up at the crack of dawn, check out, then walk over to the train station, were I have to wait outside since nobody had gotten there to open up the doors. That's when you know you wake up early is when you have a 5:30 train and you get there before anybody else, there isn't even a security gaurd around. Todays train ride is about the same lenght of time as yesterdays, except I'm going down to Barcelona, Spain today. I wasn't originally going to Barcelona, but since the train was going to pass by anyway to my final destination of Madrid, Spain, I thought WTF I don't know when the next time I'm going to be in Spain so since it's not out of the way might as well and I wasn't expected in Madrid till Sunday anyways. My train made many stops before arriing in Barcelona. I stopped in Montauban, France and Toulouse, France where I changed trains, then to Carassonne and Narbonne, France. At Portbou, Spain we had to stop, and wait for the police to check everybody's passprts. After which we stopped in Figueres and Sirona, Spain before finally arriving in Barcelona. I get into the taxi and give the driver the address and he gives me the same look as the driver in Cahors, so i'm thinking OK, how close is this one, come I all ready feel stupid I don't think you can make me feel any more. Well actually it was just the opposite, it took about 30-40 min to drive out to th hotel, which I found out is one of those highway hotels. Now don't get me wrong the hotel was nice and very pretty,and there were flowers and trees outside my window, IT WAS STILL A HIGHWAY HOTEL. Since I didn't want to drive all the way back into the city I decided to spen the rest of the evening at the hotel. Besides the normal watching TV, reading my book, and sleeping, I also went onto the internet to look for a hotel that was actually in Barcelona and not 30 min away, you know something that I could take the metro everywhere and not have to rely on the taxi for everyhting, since that would get very expensive very fast.