ok, so the weather is slowly but surely getting warmer and I can go backto wearing flip-flops and only wear a light jacket instead of a heavy down one. well after doing my usual tasks of feedingthe tortoises, crocodiles and iguanas, I went and cleaned the iguanas cage. Suprisingly this wasn'tthat bad because they didn't really make a mess. I basically swept their carpet and then changedthe newspaper at the bottom of the cage. afterwards I was given a task that would take up most of the morning. i had to clean out and organize the walk-in fridge, now your probably thinking UGH! why on earth would she want to do that. Well no matter what you might think this is the type of stuff that I love to do. I had actually asked Renee if there was any work that I could dothat included cleaning and organizing, because I just get a natural high from this like this. SeeI will sometimes clean and organize my room because I'm bored even though my room already looks like a museum. I started by throwing away any bad fruits and vege's and then putting the rest and the baby chicks on the table out side the fridge, only leaving the hanging horse meat in the fridge, since they are quite heavy and all bloody, etc... When I was taking out the watermelons one dropped in the tub of ice cold water under the cooler, and some of the water splashed all over the side of my leg. Between the loud sound of the watermelon dropping and thetemperature of the water I made a blood currdling-like shriek. Of course Lawrence was standingright there ans saw this whole thing happening. Then because it was sooooo funny (this is said in sarcastic voice) it became the funny thing for the rest of the day, LOL. Anyways after cleaningthe fridge out, which took a while since there was some horse blood on the floor that was very stubbern and took forever to get off. I then put the food back in nice organized manner.When everything all organized, I realized that we actually didn't have that much food left, so Iwent and got the list of everything that was supposed to be in there, and then gave Eddie the list to go get the things. With a little over 30min before lunch I spent that time sorting the chicksfor the crocodiles. At lunch today we had quite a laugh. This little Tea Garden bird, Squacky, and appropriately named at that, has this problem of pulling out his feathers. Now when birds do this it is usually because their scared and then they start pulling at their feathers. Well Squacky had just come from an inviornment that must have made hime scared since the only feathers on his body left were on top of his head and his wings. So to help him regrow the feathers on his bodywe put one of those plastic cones around his head, you know the ones you usually see on cats and dogs after they've had an operation or something. This new look of Squacky's was a very pitiful sight, but a very cute pitful sight at that.It definately made for and amusing afternoon. Afterlunch I put the load of fresh produce that Eddie had just came back with, filling up the walk-in to the brink. I then cut up some fruit and when all the produce and meat was cut up and put intothe right bowls; I helped feed the Chacma Baboons, some of the birds, both the Ringtailed and the Ruffed Lemurs and then the Bengal and Siberian Tigers and then gave the biggest ribs I have ever seen to the Lions. When I got back to Guinea Fowl Lodge I took a nap and later watched CSI: Miami and Without A Trace.