Friday, November 03, 2006

DAY 129

Same old, same old. Now it may seem like I’m not enjoying myself or bored or something, but au contraire my dear friend. I’m completely enjoying myself, not bored and having a blast. Its just that I would get very tired and bored if I had to write the same thing over and over again, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you would feel the same way about reading it. There is something that did happen today, after the zoo though…… I’ll start out by saying that Marnie and Jeremy took me out to dinner. We went to this place called Primi Piatti, which is this fun restaurant that has this work men/construction feel to it. Like the waiters and waitresses were these orange work men clothes as their uniforms, and instead of the aprons to hold the checks and pens, etc… they had those work man belts, you know the one that holds the hammers and nails and leveller, etc… then there is the actual interior of the restaurant that has a very industrial feel to it, like with work signs and stuff. Oh, and our menus were put on clipboards and we had to check off what we wanted. After dinner is when the real fun began. Now keep in mind that I’ve already had a couple Sex on the Beaches to start me off with, and I would just like to add that the barman who made them must either have an unsteady hand or just likes to give away to much liquor, because there was a lot more alcohol then in normal Sex on the Beaches. Marnie decided that we needed to do some South African shots, the four different shots that we did were Springbok, which is the mascot of the national South African sport teams (consisting of: Peppermint Liquor and Cape Velvet), the Sowetan Toilet, Soweto is a suburb of Johannesburg, if you get my drift (consisting of: Banana Liquor, Nachtmusic, and Triple-Sec), Liquid Cocaine (consisting of: Jägermeister, Bacardi 151, and Goldschlager Cinnamon Schnapps), and Black Mamba (consisting of: Amaretto, Southern Comfort, and Jack Daniels). We both, Marnie and I, Jeremy can’t drink because of a liver problem so he was the designated driver, had a couple shots of each one, but I then had some more of the Black Mamba……those are amazing. It actually makes me cry, not even one glistening tear. Immediately after taking the shot I start balling like a baby or like after you cut like a million onions, and I got this immediate heat in the back of my through to. Then there is this whole story/dance thing that preludes to drinking the Springbok, that just gets funnier the more drunk you get, both in watch it and doing it. It’s this whole thing with how the Springbok, like an antelope, gets thirsty and goes to get something to drink. Before the story starts you have to put your hands on top of your head so it looks like antlers. So the story goes; The Springbok goes to look for something to drink (put on hand over eyes looking for something movement), gets lost (put hands back on head for antlers and paw ground with one of your feet, b/c your lost, your frustrated), finds something to drink but another Springbok finds it first so you fight over it (you and another person doing this “play” put your heads together pretending to fight like Springboks do, with the antlers), after fight you find another drink so now both of you have a drink, the next step is (still having you hands on top of your head as antlers) take the shot glass in your mouth and then tip you head backwards. Now the first time you feel silly doing this, but when you do this a couple of times (it also helps when you have a couple shots of something stronger too, like in my case Black Mamba) not only does the story get funnier to do, but then you start not being able to keep all of the shot going into your mouth, so some of it dribbles done your face, then you start laughing even more than you already are.