Tuesday, October 03, 2006
DAY 98
Even though I didn't do really anything yesterday I didn't wake up until 11:30 today, well it did help that I didn't back to the hostel, from the movie, till 1-1:30 in the morning anyways. After getting some breakfast I go back at the internet cafe, you just don't realize how long it takes to do a couple hundred pictures and also write the blog to go along with them. I'm at the café till about 2 hours before my train leaves. I then go back to the hostel get my stuff and take a taxi to the train station. The train to Lisboa, Portugal is 5 or 6 hours I don't remember. Anyways, I arrive in Lisboa to late for lunch, but to early for dinner, so I get a light snack from this place at the station. I walk out of the station had a little deja vu moment. When I go up to the taxi driver and show him the address of the hostel, he doesn't know where the street is so he asks one of his taxi buddies, who points in a direction and says something in Portugese. I then put all my stuff in the car and we head out of the station. To get out of the station is kind of wierd since it is a wierd snake-like round-a-bout. But we get out and he then goes down this street that is on the side of the station, i'm in the car for like 2min, when he stops and says this is it. We both start to laugh and then I take my stuff up the stairs to the hostel. I then spend the rest of the day either in my room or in the near vicinity of the hostel/train station area.