Now I know that Halloween is not a Jewish holiday, but even though it started as a Pagan holiday, turning into a Christian holiday, it had become so commercialized that it really has no religiousness any more. Anyways, I did all my usual stuff, everything the same except for the crocodiles. This is where I felt like I was starring in an episode of the Crocodile Hunter. My actual task was cleaning their little pond that they have, but before doing so, had to put tAhem into their house. This was the part that I felt like I was on the show, trying to get them into the house, since it was a beautiful day they didn’t want to budge, so it was a little bit harder than just nudging them with a broom, like normally. After we got them into their house I first drained the pond after which I took a scratchy broom, you know the one where the bristles are made from plastic. There was this dark green slime that covered every inch of the pond. Since the bottom of this small pond was cement it was actually no that hard. I basically took the broom and scrubbed everywhere, this loosened up the slim. I then took the hose and sprayed over everywhere, so most of the slime went away and all that was left was the slime that was in the cracks. So I then went back with the broom and went to all the areas that still had slime and scrubbed away. I then rinsed the broom off and also the pond, which now looked so much better, being now grey and all. I left the hose running to fill up the pond and then let the crocodiles out, and who were very happy to do so.