Woke up a little tired today, but nothing a little caffeine couldn’t help. I arrive at the zoo and get put in charge of a lovely task -1 word- crates… Ok, so let me try and explain this. In the back they have a small snake room, a rat room, and a place where there is an area to wash the bird bowls. Then the rest of the area is cages of all different kinds of small birds (the tweet, tweet types), and then there are a couple of other types of animals back there that are only temporarily at the, because there normal cage is getting something done to it, or their mating and so their put in the back so there is no disturbances. The rest of the space it taken up with all the different crates that the animals come in just lying around in no particular order and some still have the straw in it from when the animal was in it. There was this one area that was not being used so they were in the process of putting up metal beams and then putting up metal sheets for the sides, roof, and doors. This was going to be the new home of all crates. So my task was to wash out all the crates and then when the new shed was completed to but them in an orderly fashion between plastic and wooden and large and small into the shed. I did this till leaving at 4pm and still hadn’t finished. This was because even though most of them didn’t really need anything more than a wash down, I would occasionally come across a bad one that would take a while to get clean. Plus on top of that there were an abundance of crates in the first place. At lunch today I met these two other ladies that volunteer at the zoo, but volunteer in another way. See both these ladies had donated one of their birds to the zoo, but still were attached to them and wanted to visit them. So they would both come every day or every other day take the Tea Garden birds out of their cages and onto the different perches in the Tea Garden and play with them. They started coming during the summer, both not knowing the other, but since coming to the zoo and volunteering with the birds had become friends and now came together to play with the birds and even sometimes would buy things like rope or plastic chains, etc… for the birds to play with. Oh by the way their names are Theresa and Cheryl, since I’ll probably be mentioning them many more times throughout my stay here. After lunch I continued with the crates till it was time to go home. I then spent the evening watching some TV, CSI: NY to name one :), and also took a little nap before dinner.