OK, so I though yesterday was a long day, HA!!!! that's the understatement of the year. I started out riding Little Banana, since the grey was moving to Los Angeles today so I was just going to ride Little Banana, which was a GREAT lesson, like yesterday. Only this time Juan gave me a little suprise, well big actually, (minus his Olympian horses) he let me ride his favorite horse, the stallion who is a Spanish (that's the name of the breed). Well not just ride it, he gave me a lesson to help with it's training (OMG, an olympian is actuallyletting me train one of their horse, holy shit!) Well I did all the things that I have been doing all week on the stallion, but when I got to the Piaffe, SWEET JESUS!!!!!!!!! that was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced on a horse. First off I actually did a Piaffe correctly unlike on the grey or Little Banana where I could only do about 2-4 steps before they started moving foreward, on the stallion he just stood there doing the Piaffe. I mean it was not perfect and definately not as beautiful as Juan's but I could at least keep him in the same spot for more than 4 steps. After
the lesson Jaun, Jeri, and I took a little road trip to the small town a couple hours south-west of Boadilla El Monte. See one of Jeri's friend, and client, Jane was wanting to get a new horse, except she wanted a Spanish (the breed) horse, so Jaun talked with his horse broker and found a couple horses for us to look at for Jane. We arrived at this stable in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, think the open space of Montana. We then spent the rest of the afternoon at this place where we looked at this gorgeous horse and this guy rode the horse so Juan and Jeri could look at it move, then Jeri rode him to see how he felt in the saddle. After saying our goodbyes we started out little road trip back home. Jeri and I spent a couple of hours in one of the front parlors just sitting there talking, because we had no energy to go upstairs, even using the elevator was to much. While sitting there one of the man servents, wow that sounds funny,lol, came by and offered us some coffee and a small plate of those one-bite desserts. That was just fabulous, sitting there shmoozing eating dainty little sweets and having coffee in this gorgeous china. Later, we finally got the energy to go up stairs and get changed. We then took another walk, since it was too early for dinner yet, and even after our long walk we got back to the hotel and realized that it still wasn't dinner time, but we were too hungry to wait so we ordered room service from the hotel's restaurant, yoiu know the four-coursed, whited gloved place. Then hit the sacks.
Horse Shopping, right this way......