Tuesday, September 26, 2006
DAY 91
OK, so feeling like the bad little Jew that I am and forgetting about Tzom Gedaliah and about the fasting part, I decided to do it today. Even though since I didn't fast yesterday so it didn't matter any more it made me feel better that I was going to mke it up today, even though it was pointless. I got to ride Little Banana again :) yah!!!!! We worked on the same things as yesterday, but also added some half-passes (is the same as the leg-yield, were the horse bends away from the direction he is traveling, while in the half-pass, the horse should be bending towards the direction he is traveling.) Unlike yesterday were I was second and then spent the rest of my time at the stables watching the other lessons and looking around the barn. Today I was last, well actually second to last, since Jeri rides 2x a day. This is because Judy and Laura want to ride first so they can have the rest of the day to exploring around with Bill, unlike Jeri and I. So it goes Judy and Laura then Jeri, me and then Jeri again. The realy cool thing was that at the end of my lesson today, before Jeri rode again Jaun got on his chestnut (non-horsey people: a chestnut is the name of a type of color of horse, laymen's terms: light brown) who is one of his O lympic horses and hacked (light riding, without a lesson) around with me. VERY EXCITING!!!!!! After words Jeri and I went back to our little town of Boadilla El Monte and did some more walking around, unlike last time Jeri bought some presents for some of her friends back home in Florida. Jeri and I then hung out in her room and talked horses (what else is new, LOL!) till it became dark. Even though Jeri was very hungry she was very nice and waiting till I could eat till she had dinner. The funny thing was that even after it became dark we still were at the restaurant, and almost done, before the Spanish crowd came in. To break the fast we went to the hotels restaurant, which is a four coursed, white gloved, 1 server per 1 guest restaurant. We first was served water and the wine menu, after picking out our wine we moved on to the regular menu, were I automatically found DUCK!!!!! I ordered this and a few minutes later we were served this, I guess it would be appitizer, there was this shot glass worth of gazpacho and a porcelain soup spoon, with some sort of lentil and something. Then we were brought out our salads, which was exciting, since Jeri and I have noticed that it is very hard to find salads in the restaurants and when we do the lettuce doesn't look fresh, so it was exciting to get not only salads but fresh, crunchy lettuce. While waiting for my duck and Jeri's fish we had some bread and wine and once again talked anything and everything horsey. Our meal came and at once there was no noise except our ambrosia noices. My duck was amazing it had some apricot/peachy flavor with some mashed sweet potato and fruit on it as well. While waiting for our dessert the we were sharing we got this little dessert appitizer thing, I guess you get this whether you order dessert or not. This thing was insane, there were two small shot glasses with this strawberry thing (the same consistancy as gazpacho) with a little whip cream and then in another little shot glass with to tooth picks, with one end of the first toothpick, being this dark chocolate and the other being this white chocolate, but what made the white chocolate so amazing was that there was curry powder in it. You would never think to put curry powder in chocolate but it just gave it this wierd punch, but at the same time not.