Tuesday, September 19, 2006
DAY 84
I woke up about 9 am and headed over to Sabine's apartment, if your wonderinng why I would be going over to her apartment since that was were I was staying is that I had fallen asleep at her sister's in the apartment building next door. Sabine and I then get in the car and head out to this store to get some fresh fruits and vegestables. It was one of those organic places. After which we went to the regular grocery store to get the rest of the food. The one thing that amazes me is that the amount of food that we get per grocery trip and the amount of times we go in one week you would think she was living in a house with 8 teenage boys, though the funny part is that it is just her, Luc, and there two little girls. Also the amount of milk and yogurt that this family consumes bewilders me. For example, we bought about 18L of milk a little under a week ago and not only is it finished bought today we got 48 freaking Liters of milk!!!!! they go through about 2L of milk just for breakfast, so you do the math. And don't get me started on the yogurt they have a very large fridge, yet there is 1 1/2 shelves reserved just for yogurt, seriously I think they should move to a dairy farm, because they also love cheese and butter. Anyways after we got back from the grocery shopping spree, no joke on the "spree" part, Sabine had to go to work and I went and laid down on the couch. I have been on many couches all over the world is this is by far the most comfortable, insanly........ well everything one would want in a couch, couch!!! Because of the aformentioned I took a 6 hr nap. When I woke up it was time for dinner, after which Sabine and I went for a walk down my the lake.