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DAY 73
We made Boysenberry Lolliepops, 3 different kinds of chocolate bars, hollow eggs, and then with the left over chocolate (because in a professional kitchen you always use everything up) made a little chocolate sculpture. We started with the boysenberry lolliepops, putting the water and sugar in a pot. After the wate/sugar mixture came to a boil at 140°c we added the glucouse and added the boysenberry essence, and the blue and red food dye. While that was on the stove we took the plastic for our molds (the same plastic as the ones used as barriers in walk-in fridges) and cut the shape that we wanted in it, then put the sticks in. Taking the hot mixture, once it reached 152°c, putting into a paper pastry bag and pipped into the molds and set aside to cool and harden. Especially cool, even holding it with a kitchen towel the hot liquid was still burning my hands and after I quickly poured my lolliepops and to rush to the sink and let the cold water run over my hands. Next was the chocolate bars, we took the Ivory, Chocolate/Coffee, and Jivara chocolate and put them on the stove to temper. First we cleaned out the molds with a cotton ball, so there is no fingerpints, then poured in the chocolate, that is after is was finished being tempered. Then just like yesterday tapped the sides, to get ride of the air bubbles, then scraped off the excess from the top and the chocolate that was on the side of the mold. Putting the molds on a rack, before setting aside, added the chopped hazelnuts. With the same Équatoriale chocolate that we used with chocolate/coffee bar and poured them in the egg molds. Just like with the Mont Blancs, we tipped them over so it only coated the side of the mold. We put to layers on the egg mold so when it was time to take them out they would be thick enough and wouldn't break while taking out. While everything was on the racks hardening we took this time to clean up, which took no time at all, since we had Siran Wrapped the table tops again. After out tea and coffee break we took the chocolate bars out of the molds and then finished the eggs. First we put a cookie sheet on the stove and let it get warm. Then taking two egg halves put them on the cookie sheet moving them around so the edges melt a little bit, one thing that you have to remeber is not to leave the eggs on to long because then when you put them together they won't be the same size, since one of the halves will be smaller than the other one. We put the eggs aside to quickly harden in thier new form and then put them into special boxes. With the leftover chocolate eggs chef made a little sculpture that was kind of cool. Then after putting out all our creations and taking some pictures, we had some champagne and then the people who were leaving recieved their certificates and then I GOT MY DIPLOMA for passing my exam. Then just socialized till the end of class.