Sunday, September 03, 2006
DAY 68
I'm starting to sound like a broken record. Still on the coomputer but now naming the pictures. After finishing the tagging of all the pictures I moved onto more importatnt things, LIKE STUDY FOR MY EXAM! Here's the deal with the exam, on wednesday I got a piece of paper with 5 different recipes, all of which I had done sometime in the past 5 weeks of school. I then had to memorize everything about the recipes, except for the measurements since of course they would be smaller on the exam. Oh, just in case your curious the recieps that I had to memorize were; Lemon cake, Milk Chocolate Tart (with a hazelnut cookie dough), Mini Fruit Tartlettes, Orange Eclairs, and Lemon Meringue Tart (made with Italian Meringue). So normally you get a week to study all this, but since I had been working on the pictures and blog all that time, I had to cram a week's studying into 2 days.