Since the X-C didn't start till 11am, I slept in a bit. Before going to the horse show I had to go take the pictures off my camera since I only have one photo chip and it only had space for a couple more pictures. When I realized this I felt like a mad paparazzi, since in just 16hrs (8 each day) I hade taken over 300 pictures. That is because my camera can hold a couple dozen or so with out a photo chip and then my photo chip holds 300. Afterwards taking the bus to the show and having a blast. By the time I got back to the hotel my feet were in so much pain from walking around all day. You see X-C courses are set of "x" amount of acres, so if you want to see all the jumps, like I did, that means that you have to wake all of those acres. The terrain is not some paved road, well there is no raod at all, just grassy, and sometimes muddy, rolling hills, with lots of trees and streams, etc..... Plus I didn't sit down at all today, not even once. Then to make matters wore I still stayed at the horse show. Then instead of sittingdown I then went out to the X-C field hand started taking pictures. Then later I was next to the Mercedes-Benz Stadium getting times, scores, etc... for today's X-C and it was taking so long so by the tim I had finished they were just about tp start the FEI World Individual Dressage Grand Prix Freestyle Championship. So of course it pulled me in and I couldn't just leave, so then I stayed even longer, this is also with having to stand. This is because I didn't have a seat I had to stand up. So when I finally got back to the hotel room it was 1am. I then watched some TV while I soaked my feet in hot water in the bath tub and then massage the knots out of my feet. There is not much more to say other than just looking at the pictures. You know what to do.

click on the FEI World Equestrian Games 2006 to see the pictures