As you might have guessed already, didn't do anything today. I woke up around 1pm, nomally, even if I go back to sleep, I wake up around 6am or 7am because of the sun coming through. But today, besides it being overcast, I woke up under neath my covers, which made it dark. I then ate some breakfast and went back to my book that i'm currently reading. The book, for those that are interested is by the same author that wrote Under A Tuscan Sun, and is about the author travel to a couple of countries that she went to with her husband. Quite intertaining if you ask me. Anyways, after reading for a couple of hours I worked on some of the picture pages on the blog. When I started to get sleepy from staring at my computer screen I went for a walk, but was cut short because I started to rain cats and dogs and I hadn't brought an umbrella or jacket. I then spend the rest of the afternoon curled up on the couch with one of the cats, read more of my book and watch a little bit of TV.