Monday, August 07, 2006

DAY 41

Since today is monday I take another stab at getting my application in to the Indian Embassay. Well I will save you the task of wondering if I got in, NO I DID NOT! I arrive at the embassy a couple of minutes after it opened, I go inside and look for the person handing out the number tickets. I can't find them so I wait around a bit to see if they just went away for a sec and will be right back, or something like that. Afterwaiting a bit a find out that they have "run out of tickets" well not run out persay, but that they have given out the max amount of tickets that they give out for they day or some bull like that. I know for a fact that is complete bull, because when I was hear last week, and a couple hours later no less, and the same amount or more of people and they were still handing out tickets. I wasn't in the mood to wait around and see if I could still get a ticket or not. Especially after I realized that even if I did get a ticket that it wouldn't matter, becaus I had forgotten to go to the ATM and get money out for the visa, so I left. I arrived at the metro stop for my school and went to a nearby café and had a late breakfast.While eating at my table next to the window I look out at the crosswalk in front of me and watch all the different kinds of people cross. I would like to make a Public Service Anoucement: watching people do what they do,both crossing the crosswalk and waiting ofr it to turn green is one of the most intertainging things that I have watched and I HIGHLY RECOMEND doing sometime, but you can only do it when you are able to do it for more than 2 hours.Thank You For Reading My Public Service Anouncement. After sitting there for a while I walk to the Ritz and go and get a clean uniform before changing and heading into the kitchen. Today we made Blanc-Mange au Jus de Fraise and Peche Poelle du Roussillon, Glace au Lait d'Amande. We started with the strawberry "jell-o" for the blanc-mange, we cooked the strawberries the water and the sugar. When it was ready we then poured the mixture into a "chinois" and strained only leaving us with the juice. Put it back onto the pan and add the gelatin sheets, andthen mix still the gelatin is completely incorporated. We then took out the glasses that we were to use and put about a 1-1 1/2 of the juice in all the cups and put it into the fridge to form. then we moved onto the peaches via the almond ice cream. For the ice cream we whisked the sugar and egg yolks together while the milk and cream were on the stove. Then we added them all together into the saucepan andcooked till the "coating stage," were we then set it aside to cool and then, once cool, put into the ice cream machine to churn. Going back to the peaches we put them in a very large saucepan with orange juice and vanilla beans, even though that was all there was to it, it takes a while since you have to have it on low heat while the delicate peaches cook and also soak up the juice, that's why it was one of the first things we did. We moved on to the blanc-mange, boiling the milk and the almond milk. Then adding the gelatin sheets to this milky mixture andlet sit to thicken. After whipping the cream we fold it into the milk mixture and put into the cups on top of the strawberry "jell-o." We then moved onto the almond financiers. At this point everything was made, all we had left was one more stage of the strawberry "jell-o" and then all the garnishes and platting. So we first removed the skin off the peaches then had our tea/coffee break. After break we started the master pieces. We took the peaches and and put it on the plate then added the orange juice mixture that we had down a reduction during break so it had a little bit more body. Then adding the financiers and then a scoop of the almond ice cream. After eating this extremely delicious creation took the blanc-mange's out of the fridge. We took some fruit out, cut them and then put a coat of sugar on them. These were used to top the blanc-mange's.

A Fruity Day