We started the day off with the rice pudding. During the cooking process, it looked like porridge with black liquorice (which was actually the vanilla bean). The next task was to shred the outside of the lime and the shredded coconut and mix together. Then we start filling the first crust with the stewed pineapple and then the shredded coconut/lime mixture on top, followed by putting it in the oven. Taking the pineapple/coconut tart out of the oven and going on to add the chocolate and coconut gelatinous thing on top of the tart. With the sliced pineapple from earlier in class, placed it around the edge so it looked like a sunflower. Then adding the glaze onto the pineapple, so it looks shiny and "pops", then the chocolate squares. Putting the tarts into the fridge we took out the crust for the Apple Crumble Tart. We filled up the tart with the pastry cream up to were there was only a little bit of the side of the crust showing. We then took the apple mixture from the day before, the one with the vanilla bean in it, and heat it up on the stove, then proceeded with a layer on top of the pastry cream. Out of the oven came the “crumble” which looked and sort of tasted like broken graham crackers. With a layer of the “crumble” and a dash of icing sugar we were reading to serve and taste the tarts. Afterwards we cleaned up the kitchen and chatted a bit till class let out.
Beautiful Fields of Sunflowers, here I come........