Good Morning Wednesday! wow I sound so much more chipper now than I did this morning when this all was happening. Well unlike yesterday I actually arrived on time, really not time mistakes or anything, promise... I walked into class and we were already have tea and coffee, must of been a long morning for everyone if were not even waiting till tea time at 4pm. Chef refreshed the starter dough, while we all worked on making "short dough." Afterwards we got into our little groups of two and started the dough for the genoese sponge cake. While the batter was in the mixer mixing, who would of though a mixer mixing, what a crazy idea... we buttered up the pan and lining it with almonds. We took our ladle, scooped our dough into the pan and hopped them into the oven, of course all this took much longer than it sounds. Today was a big history lesson, talking about the history behind the genoese cake. About how it was created by a chef commemorating the war at Genoese during the Napoleonic wars . I was on the metro going home in the middle of changing trains when I got thirsty. I got my, no surprise here, Oringina, and went on to my next train. Well i'm on the train for a couple of stops and i'm like ok here's my stop...... then, I look at were I am and realize that i'm back were I started. In the mist of the heat outside and my going fatigue I seemed to get back on the same train that I was on before getting my drink, but just the other way ( back to school) so then I had to do the whole trip all over again. I eventually get to my metro stop and walked down to my grocery to get some more food since I was kind of running low on food. This was then followed by a lite dinner and swiftly off to sleep..............FINALLY.

Pain de Gênes