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DAY 10
I normally wake up around 7ish and just go back to sleep until I have to wake up at 11. Today on the other hand I didn't wake up until my alarm. I got up and dressed and left, I think I had a banana,but i'm not sure, I was not really with the program if you know what I mean. When I woke up I never knew it was going to be such a busy day. Well I got to the hotel, got a clean uniform, got changed and went in to the classroom, or actually I should say kitchen, and was going to wait for class to start. After a little bit a looked up at the clock and realized why no one had shown up yet, because i'm not the only early bird in my class. Well I looked up at the clock and realized that I was 1 1/2 hrs early. So I went into the ajoining room were we have lectures and fell right back to sleep until I started to hear people in the kitchen when class was about to start. We started the class by rolling the dough that we had started yesterday and started doing the folding thing again. rolling it out folding it in three's, rolling it out, folding by fours. Since we were all doughed up, we moved quickly on to the dough for the apple tarts that we were making today. We rolled the dough out, but of course turning a 1/4 in after every roll, ( I say of course because Chef drilled that into our head, nicely of course, with no one getting hurt, except maybe the dough.) put it into our circle cut out pan and then make the nice little apple tart crust edge with this nifty little tool. Put those little sweet hearts in the fridge and continued ou to the rest of our day's work. When every one had finished, some people were put to the task of peeling apples, like me, and of course the obvious, coring and cutting up. While we were doing this the other couple of people started putting together the other part of the ingredients that we needed for the filling for our apple tarts, and started the magic. While the pot was brewing with our apple filling concoction, wow I just realized that makes me sound like i'm a witch, you know "putting in the pot and brewing it," we went back to the our Pithiviers cake. We took out the dough cut it into two and rolled out both pieces into nice large squares. We then took a paint brush and had some artistic and creative fun painting dough, you know expressing our inner talents. Well actually we didn't do anything that exciting, we just took the paint brush and painted water over the dough except for in the middle were we left a circle shape. We took the the filling, which is this almond cream ( even though it was more like a paste), with a little rum mixed in, yummy..... we put the paste in the center, you know were there was a void in the water painting, and then put the other piece of dough on top, cut a square around it so it looked like a big ravioli, and then put it in the fridge. We continued with the apple tarts and each took two apples cut them into very thin slices put the filling in each crust put in a little filling, put the apple slices around in a circle, sort of like a snail shell, put some cinnamon/sugar on top, then we did something that you know is a little secret, but i'll fill you in on anyways, we put little pieces of butter all around the top of the tart, the reason you might ask, well it's so the top doesn't burn. While these were in the oven and the Pithiviers cake was in the fridge, we all went up to one of the parlors, sit around a grand piano, with these gorgeous drapes and crystal chandeliers,etc.... and took a picture for our photographer, you remember the one that's with the reporter from the Russian Marie Clarie. We went back down took out the tarts, and finished the Pithiviers cake by cutting away at the dough, so it ended up looking like a sun/flower, and popped it into the oven. Since that was our last project, we cleaned up the room and had our everyday tea and coffee break. Today was special though, one of out Japanese students brought up sushi that she had made. After our little beverage break we started just talking waiting for the Pithiviers to be done. While waiting we all decided to go over to the culinary kitchen and see what they were up to. Well it turns out they were having a much better party than us, this paticular class was one of the master classes (meaning they are all professional chef's, some higher than others, but you get the point) anyway one of the students had made Foie Gras and the Chef had brought out some Caviar, and there were some shrimp something or other there too. While we were all enjoying our selves some Men In Black looking come in and then this very well dress older guy comes in. Well he comes in and starts eating with us and shaking everybody's hand, etc... after a little while he leaves with his body guards and some Parisian police. Well it turns out he is the owner of the Ritz Hotel and if nobody knows who that is that is Dodie Al Fyed, Princess Diana's boyfriend (incorrect spelling, but you get the point) his father. Well after all the excitement we took out the Pithiviers boxed them up along with the apple tarts, got my certificate of completion, said good bye to every one, and went to catch the metro. I got home and my roommates were all there and just hang around talking about something. Well since we had nothing to do and I had taken pictures of all my food, so we didn't have to wait any more, we all sat around at the table and had a dessert party. At first we felt bad that we had eaten so much dessert that quickly, but then we got over it because the fridge was becoming only white pastry boxes. Screw the "Men in the white coats", it was the attack of the white boxes. Well after our little party we went our separate ways, were I headed in to my room and watched movies and read until a 1/4 to 6 in the morning. By then I decided it was time to probably go to bed since you know the birds were singing and the sky was a pinkish purple, while the sun came up.


Tarte aux Pommes