Friday, August 04, 2006

DAY 38

I arrive to class right on time, if there was a bell it would be ringing. As always we started with the cookie dough and dough for the cheese cake. Normally I can get the crust on the first try, but with the cookie dough took two trys, the first time the dough stuck to the rolling pin. Afterwards we got out the Philadelphia cream cheese, yes I said Philadelphia, even in France they use the best stuff. The amount of cream cheese and that I had to use when mixing with the other ingredients, by the time I was done my arm was about to fall off. It eventually got smoother which meant easier, but at the beginning it was hard as all hell. When it was all mixed we put it in the fridge. There wasn't much stove work today, after working the cream cheese mixture I moved onto the pistachio cream. We took the crusts out of the oven and let them cool while we had our tea/coffee break. Filled up the cheese cake molds, put them in the oven and then moved on to the strawberry/pistachio tart. Took the pistachio cream out of the fridge and filled the tarts up. Then taking the strawberries, cut them in halves and them layered them in circles. Taking the berry galze, I shined up those little beauties and then took some raspberries, that had icing sugar on them, and placed them stratigically around the tart and addes some chopped pistachios for some more color. Next we took the cheesecakes out of the oven took off the molds and put some icing sugar on top. When we were putting our desserts in take out boxes, we found out that the pie boxes were too short. But our cakes boxes were all gone and the new shipement hadb't come int yet. So we took a field trip across the hall to the main Ritz kitchen and took some of their cake boxes. They were very pretty, ours are plain white, theirs are a lite cream color with the Ritz emblem on top and the address on the front. After the boxes issue I left and took off for some dinner at home.

To the Strawberry Fields ->->